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Modern Reverse Proxy with Traefik on Docker Swarm
- Authors
- Name
- Ruan Bekker
- @ruanbekker
Traefik is a modern load balancer and reverse proxy built for micro services.
We will build 4 WebServices with Traefik, where we will go through the following scenarios:
- Hostname Based Routingi (With Path's and Without)
- Path Based Routing
From your DNS Provider add wildcard entries to the Docker Swarm Public IPs:
-> A Record to each Docker Swarm Node*.apps.domain.com
=> apps.doamin.com
This will allow us to create web applications on the fly.
Static Website with Traefik:
Create Traefik Proxy:
docker service create \
--name traefik \
--constraint 'node.role==manager' \
--publish 80:80 \
--publish 443:443 \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--mount type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock \
--network appnet \
traefik:camembert \
--docker --docker.swarmmode \
--docker.domain=apps.domain.com \
--docker.watch \
--logLevel=DEBUG \
Build a WebService with 2 Endpoints:
Our Website will have:
Our Dockerfile
FROM alpine:edge
RUN apk update \
&& apk add lighttpd
ADD htdocs /var/www/localhost/htdocs
CMD ["lighttpd", "-D", "-f", "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf"]
Our htdocs
find ./htdocs/
Building and Push the Image to a Registry of your choice:
docker login registry.gitlab.com
docker build -t registry.gitlab.com/<user>/<repo>/lighttpd:test
docker push registry.gitlab.com/<user>/<repo>/lighttpd:test
Create the 1st Service, No Hostname or Path based specified:
The Service will allow us to view /
and /test/
paths, and also enable us to use the service name as the subdomain, or the domain specified in the traefik
docker service create --name web1 --label 'traefik.port=80' --network appnet --with-registry-auth registry.gitlab.com/<user>/<repo>/lighttpd:test
Testing the service:
$ curl http://web1.apps.domain.com/
Root Page
$ curl http://web2.apps.domain.com/test/
Test Page
$ curl http://apps.domain.com/test/
Test Page
$ curl http://foo.apps.domain.com/test/
404 page not found
Create the 2nd Service, Only 1 Path Based Routing:
This service will only allow us to view the /test/
$ docker service create --name website2 --label 'traefik.port=80' --label traefik.frontend.rule="Path: /test/" --network appnet --with-registry-auth registry.gitlab.com/<user>/<repo>/lighttpd:test
Testing the Service:
$ curl http://web1.apps.domain.com/
404 page not found
$ curl http://web2.apps.domain.com/test/
Test Page
Hostname Based and Path Based Routing:
$ docker service create \
--name web3 \
--label 'traefik.port=80' \
--label traefik.frontend.rule="Host:apps.domain.com; Path: /test/" \
--network appnet \
--with-registry-auth registry.gitlab.com/rbekker87/docker/lighttpd:u1t-test
Test the /
endpoint, which should not work:
$ curl http://apps.domain.com/
404 page not found
and the /test/
$ curl http://apps.domain.com/test/
Test Page
Also, any other FQDN that is specified will not work as it does not match the traefik.frontend.rule
$ curl http://web3.apps.domain.com/
404 page not found
Strictly Hostname Based Routing and not specifying any paths:
$ docker service create \
--name web4 \
--label 'traefik.port=80' \
--label traefik.frontend.rule="Host:apps.domain.com" \
--network appnet \
--with-registry-auth registry.gitlab.com/<user>/<repo>/lighttpd:u1t-test
Testing the Service:
$ curl http://apps.domain.com/
Root Page
$ curl http://apps.domain.com/test/
Test Page
Anything specified other than that, will result in a 404 Response.