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Setup a NFS Server on a RaspberryPi


Setup a NFS Server/Client on RaspberryPi 3

Setup the Server Side - Disks and Directories

Prepare the directories:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/nfs
sudo chown pi:pi /opt/nfs
sudo chmod 755 /opt/nfs

For demonstration, I will be using the same disk as my OS, but if you have other disks that you would like to mount, mount them like the following:

sudo lsblk
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /opt/nfs
sudo chown -R pi:pi /opt/nfs/existing_dirs
sudo find /opt/nfs/existing_dirs/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
sudo find /opt/nfs/existing_dirs/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

If you mounted the disk, and you would like to mount the disk on boot, we need to add it to our /etc/fstab. We can get the disk by running either:

sudo lsblk
# or
sudo blkid

Populate the /etc/fstab with your disk info, it will look more or less like:

/dev/sda2 /opt/nfs ext4 defaults,noatime 0 0

Append rootdelay=10 after rootwait in /boot/cmdline.txt, then reboot for the changes to become active.

Setup the Server Side - Installing NFS Server

Install the NFS Server packages:

sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server nfs-common rpcbind -y

Configure the paths in /etc/exports, we need to uid gid for the user that owns permission that we need to pass to the NFS Client. To get that:

id pi

uid=1000(pi) gid=1000(pi)

Setup our path that we would like to be accessible via NFS:


If you would like to have open access:

/opt/nfs *(rw,all_squash,no_hide,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000)

Export the config, enable the services on boot and start NFS:

sudo exportfs -ra
sudo systemctl enable rpcbind
sudo systemctl enable nfs-kernel-server
sudo systemctl enable nfs-common
sudo systemctl start rpcbind
sudo systemctl start nfs-kernel-server
sudo systemctl start nfs-common

Setup the NFS Client

On the client install the NFS Client packages:

sudo apt install nfs-common -y

Create the mountpoint of choice and change the ownership:

sudo chown pi:pi /mnt

Setup the /etc/idmapd.conf to match the user:

Nobody-User = pi
Nobody-Group = pi

Mount the NFS Share to your local mount point:

sudo mount /mnt

Enable mount on boot via /etc/fstab:

/etc/fstab /mnt nfs rw 0 0


Thank You

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