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Manage Scaleway Instances via their API like a Boss with their Command Line Tool scw


Let's set things straight: I am a command line fan boy, If I can do the things I have to do with a command line interface, i'm happy! And that means automation ftw! :D

Scaleway Command Line Interface:

I have been using Scaleway for about 2 years now, and absolutely loving their services! So I recently found their command line interface utility: scw, which is written in golang and has a very similar feel to docker.

Install the SCW CLI Tool:

A golang environment is needed and I will be using docker to drop myself into a golang environment and then install the scw utility:

$ docker run -it golang:alpine sh
$ apk update
$ apk add openssl git openssh curl
$ go get -u

Verify that it was installed:

$ scw --version
scw version v1.16+dev, build

Awesome sauce!


When we authenticate to Scaleway, it will prompt you to upload your public ssh key, as I am doing this in a container I have no ssh keys, so therefore will generate one before I authenticate.

Generate the SSH Key:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/

Now loging to Scaleway using the cli tools:

$ scw login
Login ( <>
Do you want to upload an SSH key ?
[0] I dont want to upload a key !
Which [id]: 1

You are now authenticated on as Ruan.
You can list your existing servers using `scw ps` or create a new one using `scw run ubuntu-xenial`.
You can get a list of all available commands using `scw -h` and get more usage examples on
Happy cloud riding.


Getting Info from Scaleway

List Instance Types:

$ scw products servers
ARM64-128GB        arm64       64   137 GB      false
ARM64-16GB         arm64       16    17 GB      false
ARM64-2GB          arm64        4   2.1 GB      false
ARM64-32GB         arm64       32    34 GB      false
ARM64-4GB          arm64        6   4.3 GB      false
ARM64-64GB         arm64       48    69 GB      false
ARM64-8GB          arm64        8   8.6 GB      false
C1                   arm        4   2.1 GB       true
C2L               x86_64        8    34 GB       true
C2M               x86_64        8    17 GB       true
C2S               x86_64        4   8.6 GB       true
START1-L          x86_64        8   8.6 GB      false
START1-M          x86_64        4   4.3 GB      false
START1-S          x86_64        2   2.1 GB      false
START1-XS         x86_64        1   1.1 GB      false
VC1L              x86_64        6   8.6 GB      false
VC1M              x86_64        4   4.3 GB      false
VC1S              x86_64        2   2.1 GB      false
X64-120GB         x86_64       12   129 GB      false
X64-15GB          x86_64        6    16 GB      false
X64-30GB          x86_64        8    32 GB      false
X64-60GB          x86_64       10    64 GB      false

Get a list of available Images, in my case I am just looking for Ubuntu:

$ scw images | grep -i ubuntu
Ubuntu_Bionic               latest              a21bb700            11 days             [ams1 par1]         [x86_64]
Ubuntu_Mini_Xenial_25G      latest              bc75c00b            13 days             [ams1 par1]         [x86_64]

List Running Instances:

$ scw ps
SERVER ID           IMAGE                       ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                  COMMERCIAL TYPE
abc123de            Ubuntu_Xenial_16_04_lates   ams1                5 weeks             running             xx.xx.xx.xx         scw-elasticsearch-01  ARM64-4GB
abc456de            ruan-docker-swarm-17_03     par1                10 months           running          scw-swarm-manager-01  VC1M

List All Instances (Running, Stopped, Started, etc):

$ scw ps -a
SERVER ID           IMAGE                       ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                  COMMERCIAL TYPE
abc123df            Ubuntu_Xenial_16_04_lates   ams1                5 weeks             stopped             xx.xx.xx.xx         scw-elasticsearch-02  ARM64-4GB

List Instances with a filter based on its name:

$ scw ps -f name=scw-swarm-worker-02
SERVER ID           IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                COMMERCIAL TYPE
1234abcd            Ubuntu_Xenial       par1                8 minutes           running          scw-swarm-worker-2  START1-XS

List the Latest Instance that was created:

$ scw ps -l
SERVER ID           IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                COMMERCIAL TYPE
1234abce            Ubuntu_Xenial       par1                6 minutes           running          scw-swarm-worker-3  START1-XS

Create Instances:

In my scenario, I would like to create a instance named docker-swarm-worker-4 with the instance type START1-XS in the Paris datacenter, and I will be using my key that I have uploaded, also the image id that I passed, was retrieved when listing for images:

$ scw --region=par1 create --commercial-type=START1-XS --ip-address=dynamic --ipv6=false --name="docker-swarm-worker-4" --tmp-ssh-key=false  bc75c00b
<response: random uuid string>

Now that the instance is created, we can start it by calling either the name or the id:

$ scw start docker-swarm-worker-4

To verify the status of the instance, we can do:

$ scw ps -l
SERVER ID           IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                   COMMERCIAL TYPE
102abc34            Ubuntu_Xenial                           28 seconds          starting                                docker-swarm-worker-4  START1-XS

At this moment it is still starting, after waiting a minute or so, run it again:

$ scw ps -l
SERVER ID           IMAGE               ZONE                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAME                   COMMERCIAL TYPE
102abc34            Ubuntu_Xenial       par1                About a minute      running             xx.xx.xx.xx         docker-swarm-worker-4  START1-XS

As we can see its in a running state, so we are good to access our instance. You have 2 options to access your server, via exec and ssh.

$ scw exec docker-swarm-worker-4 /bin/bash

or via SSH:

$ ssh root@xx.xx.xx.xx

If you would like to access your server without uploading your SSH key to your account, you can pass --tmp-ssh-key=true as in:

$ scw --region=par1 create --commercial-type=START1-XS --ip-address=dynamic --ipv6=false --name="scw-temp-instance" --tmp-ssh-key=true  bc75c00b

Terminating Resources:

This wil stop, terminate the instance with the associated volumes and reserved ip

$ scw stop --terminate=true scw-temp-instance 

If you had to remove a volume that is not needed, or unused:

$ scw rmi test-1-snapshot-<long-string>--2018-04-26_12:42

To logout:

$ scw logout


Have a look at Scaleway-CLI Documentation and their Website for more info, and have a look at their new START1-XS instance types, that is only 1.99 Euro's, that is insane!

Personally love what they are doing, feel free to head over to their pricing page to see some sweet deals!

Thank You

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