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Splitting Query String Parameters from a URL in Python
- Authors
- Name
- Ruan Bekker
- @ruanbekker
I'm working on capturing some data that I want to use for analytics, and a big part of that is capturing the query string parameters that is in the request URL.
So essentially I would like to break the data up into key value pairs, using Python and the urllib module, which will then pushed into a database like MongoDB or DynamoDB.
Our URL:
So the URL's that we will have, will more or less look like the following:
So we have a couple of utm parameters, company id, group name etc, which will be use for analysis
Python to Capture the Parameters:
Using Python, it's quite easy:
>>> from urllib import parse
>>> url = 'https://surveys.mydomain.com/one/abc123?companyId=178231&group_name=abc_12&utm_source=survey&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=survey-top-1'
>>> parse.urlsplit(url)
SplitResult(scheme='https', netloc='surveys.mydomain.com', path='/one/abc123', query='companyId=178231&group_name=abc_12&utm_source=survey&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=survey-top-1', fragment='')
>>> parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(url).query)
[('companyId', '178231'), ('group_name', 'abc_12'), ('utm_source', 'survey'), ('utm_medium', 'email'), ('utm_campaign', 'survey-top-1')]
Now to get our data in a dictionary, we can just convert it using the dict()
>>> dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(url).query))
{'companyId': '178231', 'group_name': 'abc_12', 'utm_source': 'survey', 'utm_medium': 'email', 'utm_campaign': 'survey-top-1'}
This data can then be used to write to a database, which can then be used for analysis.
- http://blog.rafflecopter.com/2014/04/utm-parameters-best-practices/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21584545/url-query-parameters-to-dict-python
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