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Deploy Scaleway Servers via the API in Python
- Authors
- Name
- Ruan Bekker
- @ruanbekker
A quick post on how to deploy Scaleway Servers via their API using Python.
API Documentation
Scaleway has great API Documentation available, so for deeper info have a look at the link provided.
Our python script has a function create_server
that expects a server name, server size, the tag and the linux distribution:
import requests
import json
import time
SCW_API_KEY = "<your-api-key>"
SCW_OGRA_ID = "<your-organization-id>"
SCW_REGION = "ams1"
SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL = "https://cp-{region}.scaleway.com/{resource}".format(region=SCW_REGION, resource='servers')
SCW_VOLUME_API_URL = "https://cp-{region}.scaleway.com/{resource}".format(region=SCW_REGION, resource='volumes')
SCW_HEADERS = {"X-Auth-Token": SCW_API_KEY, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
SCW_IMAGES = {"ubuntu/18": "6a601340-19c1-4ca7-9c1c-0704bcc9f5fe", "debian/stretch": "710ff1fa-0d16-4f8f-93ac-0647c44fa21d"}
def get_status(server_id):
response = requests.get(SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL + "/" + server_id, headers=SCW_HEADERS)
state = response.json()
return state
def create_server(instance_name, instance_type, instance_tag, os_distro):
count = 0
compute_payload = {
"name": instance_name,
"image": SCW_IMAGES[os_distro],
"commercial_type": instance_type,
"tags": [instance_tag],
"organization": SCW_OGRA_ID
print("creating server")
r_create = requests.post(SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL, json=compute_payload, headers=SCW_HEADERS)
server_id = r_create.json()["server"]["id"]
action_payload = {"action": "poweron"}
r_start = requests.post(SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL + "/" + server_id + "/action", json=action_payload, headers=SCW_HEADERS)
r_describe = requests.get(SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL + "/" + server_id, headers=SCW_HEADERS)
server_state = get_status(server_id)['server']['state']
while server_state != "running":
if count > 90:
r_delete = requests.delete(SCW_COMPUTE_API_URL + "/" + server_id, json=action_payload, headers=SCW_HEADERS)
return {"message": "error", "description": "task timed out while waiting for server to boot"}
count += 1
print("waiting for server to become ready")
server_state = get_status(server_id)['server']['state']
resp = get_status(server_id)["server"]
output = {
"id": resp["id"],
"hostname": resp["hostname"],
"instance_type": resp["commercial_type"],
"public_ip": resp["public_ip"]["address"],
"private_ip": resp["private_ip"],
"status": resp["state"]
return output
response = create_server("swarm-manager", "START1-M", "swarm", "ubuntu/18")
Install the dependencies:
python3 -m pip install requests
Deploying a server with the hostname: swarm-manager, instance-size: START1-M, tag: swarm and os distribution: ubuntu/18:
$ python scw.py
creating server
waiting for server to become ready
waiting for server to become ready
waiting for server to become ready
{'status': u'running', 'hostname': u'swarm-manager', 'public_ip': u'51.x.x.x', 'instance_type': u'START1-M', 'private_ip': u'10.x.x.x', 'id': u'xx-xx-xx-xx-xx'
For more info on Scaleway please do check them out: https://www.scaleway.com}
Thank You
Thanks for reading, if you like my content, feel free to check out my website, and subscribe to my newsletter or follow me at @ruanbekker on Twitter.
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