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Deploy Traefik using Bekker Stacks
- Authors
- Name
- Ruan Bekker
- @ruanbekker
After a year or two spending quite a lot of time into docker and more specifically docker swarm, I found it quite tedious to write up docker-compose files for specific stacks that you are working on. I also felt the need for a docker swarm compose package manager.
Fair enough, you store them on a central repository and then you can reuse them as you go, and that is exactly what I did, but I felt that perhaps other people have the same problem.
The Main Idea
So the main idea is to have a central repository with docker swarm stacks, that you can pick and choose what you want, pull down the repository and use environment variables to override the default configuration and use the deploy script to deploy the stack that you want.
Future Ideas
In the future I would like to create a cli tool that you can use to list stacks, as example:
$ bstacks list
monitoring-cpang (cAdvisor, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Node-Exporter, Grafana)
monitoring-tig (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana)
logging-efk (Elasticsearch, Filebeat, Kibana)
Listing stacks by category:
$ bstacks list --category logging
Deploying a stack:
$ bstacks deploy --stack traefik --stack-name proxy --env-file ./stack.env
Username for Traefik UI: ruan
Password for Traefik UI: deploying traefik stack in http mode
Creating network public
Creating config proxy_traefik_htpasswd
Creating service proxy_traefik
Traefik UI is available at:
- http://traefik.localhost
At the time of writing the cli tool is not available yet, but the list of available templated docker stack repositories are availabe at github.com/bekkerstacks
What are we doing today
In this tutorial we will deploy a Traefik proxy on Docker Swarm. I will be demonstrating the deployment on my Mac, and currently I have only docker installed, without a swarm being initialized.
If you already have a swarm initialized and running this on servers, you can skip the local dev section.
Local Dev
We will be initializing a 3 node docker swarm on a mac using docker-in-docker. Get the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/bekkerstacks/docker-swarm
Switch to the directory and deploy the swarm:
$ bash deploy.sh
lkyjkvuc5uobzgps4m7e98l0u * docker-desktop Ready Active Leader 19.03.1
6djgz804emj89rs8icd53wfgn worker-1 Ready Active 18.06.3-ce
gcz6ou0s5p8kxve63ihnky7ai worker-2 Ready Active 18.06.3-ce
ll8zfvuaek8q4x9nlijib0dfa worker-3 Ready Active 18.06.3-ce
As you can see we have a 4 node docker swarm running on our local dev environment to continue.
Deploy Traefik
To deploy traefik in HTTPS mode, we need to set 3 environment variables: EMAIL
. We also need to setup our DNS to direct traefik to our swarm. In my case I will be using
as the IP of my Manager node and using the domain mydomain.com
The DNS setup will look like this:
A Record: mydomain.com ->
A Record: *.mydomain.com ->
And if you are using this locally, you can setup your /etc/hosts
to traefik.mydomain.com
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/bekkerstacks/traefik
Change the the repository and deploy the stack:
$ EMAIL=me@mydomain.com DOMAIN=mydomain.com PROTOCOL=https bash deploy.sh
Username for Traefik UI: ruan
Password for Traefik UI: deploying traefik stack in https mode
Creating network public
Creating config proxy_traefik_htpasswd
Creating service proxy_traefik
Traefik UI is available at:
- https://traefik.mydomain.com
Verify that the Traefik service is running:
$ docker service ls
0wga71zbx1pe proxy_traefik replicated 1/1 traefik:1.7.14 *:80->80/tcp
Navigating to the Traefik Dashboard, after providing your username and password, you should see the Traefik UI:
Note: I don't own mydomain.com therefore I am using the traefik default cert, that will be why it's showing not secure.
Deploy Traefik in HTTP Mode
If you want to deploy Traefik in HTTP mode rather, you would use:
$ DOMAIN=localhost PROTOCOL=http bash deploy.sh
Username for Traefik UI: ruan
Password for Traefik UI: deploying traefik stack in http mode
Creating network public
Creating config proxy_traefik_htpasswd
Creating service proxy_traefik
Traefik UI is available at:
- http://traefik.localhost
Navigating to the Traefik Dashboard, after providing your username and password, you should see the Traefik UI:
More Info
In future posts, I will demonstrate how to deploy other stacks using bekkerstacks.
Have a look at the repositories on github for more info:
- https://github.com/bekkerstacks
- https://github.com/bekkerstacks/docker-swarm
- https://github.com/bekkerstacks/traefik
Thank You
Thanks for reading, if you like my content, feel free to check out my website, and subscribe to my newsletter or follow me at @ruanbekker on Twitter.
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