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Persisting Terraform Remote State in Gitlab
- Authors
- Name
- Ruan Bekker
- @ruanbekker
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to persist your terraform state in gitlab managed terraform state, using the terraform http backend.
For detailed information about this consult their documentation
What are we doing?
We will create a terraform pipeline which will run the plan step automatically and a manual step to run the apply step.
During these steps and different pipelines we need to persist our terraform state remotely so that new pipelines can read from our state what we last stored.
Gitlab offers a remote backend for our terraform state which we can use, and we will use a basic example of using the random resource.
If you don't see the "Infrastructure" menu on your left, you need to enable it at "Settings", "General", "Visibility", "Project features", "Permissions" and under "Operations", turn on the toggle.
For more information on this see their documentation
For this demonstration I created a token which is only scoped for this one project, for this we need a to create a token under, "Settings", "Access Tokens":
Select the api
under scope:
Store the token name and token value as TF_USERNAME
as a CICD variable under "Settings", "CI/CD", "Variables".
Terraform Code
We will use a basic random_uuid
resource for this demonstration, our main.tf
resource "random_uuid" "uuid" {}
output "uuid" {
value = random_uuid.uuid.result
sensitive = false
Our providers.tf
, you will notice the backend "http" {}
is what is required for our gitlab remote state:
terraform {
required_providers {
random = {
source = "hashicorp/random"
version = "3.4.3"
backend "http" {}
required_version = "~> 1.3.6"
provider "random" {}
Push that up to gitlab for now.
Gitlab Pipeline
Our .gitlab-ci.yml
consists of a plan step and a apply step which is a manual step as we first want to review our plan step before we apply.
Our pipeline will only run on the default branch, which in my case is main:
name: hashicorp/terraform:1.3.6
entrypoint: [""]
- .terraform
- when: never
TF_ADDRESS: "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/terraform/state/default-terraform.tfstate"
- plan
- apply
.terraform_init: &terraform_init
- terraform init
stage: plan
- '**/*.tfplan'
- '**/.terraform.lock.hcl'
- *terraform_init
- terraform validate
- terraform plan -input=false -out default.tfplan
stage: apply
- '**/*.tfplan'
- '**/.terraform.lock.hcl'
- *terraform_init
- terraform apply -input=false -auto-approve default.tfplan
when: manual
Where the magic happens is in the terraform init
step, that is where we will initialize the terraform state in gitlab, and as you can see we are taking the TF_ADDRESS
variable to define the path of our state and in this case our state file will be named default-terraform.tfstate
If it was a case where you are deploying multiple environments, you can use something like ${ENVIRONMENT}-terraform.tfstate
When we run our pipeline, we can look at our plan step:
Once we are happy with this we can run the manual step and do the apply step, then our pipeline should look like this:
When we inspect our terraform state in the infrastructure menu, we can see the state file was created:
Thank You
Thanks for reading, feel free to check out my website, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter or follow me at @ruanbekker on Twitter.
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