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Getting Started with FerretDB on Docker



In this post we will have a look at FerretDB which is a opensource proxy that translates MongoDB queries to SQL, where PostgreSQL being the database engine.

More about FerretDB

From FerretDB website, they describe FerretDB as:

Initially built as open-source software, MongoDB was a game-changer for many developers, enabling them to build fast and robust applications. Its ease of use and extensive documentation made it a top choice for many developers looking for an open-source database. However, all this changed when they switched to an SSPL license, moving away from their open-source roots.

In light of this, FerretDB was founded to become the true open-source alternative to MongoDB, making it the go-to choice for most MongoDB users looking for an open-source alternative to MongoDB. With FerretDB, users can run the same MongoDB protocol queries without needing to learn a new language or command.

What can you expect from this tutorial

We will be doing the following:

  • deploying ferretdb and postgres on docker containers using docker compose
  • then use mongosh as a client to logon to ferretdb using the ferretdb endpoint
  • explore some example queries to insert and read data from ferretdb
  • use scripting to generate data into ferretedb
  • explore the embedded prometheus endpoint for metrics

Deploy FerretDB

The following docker-compose.yaml defines a postgres container which will be used as the database engine for ferretdb, and then we define the ferretdb container, which connects to postgres via the environment variable FERRETDB_POSTGRESQL_URL.

version: "3.9"

    image: postgres:14.8-bullseye
    container_name: postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      - POSTGRES_USER=ferret
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
      - POSTGRES_DB=ferretdb
      - pgvol:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready", "-d", "db_prod"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 15s
      retries: 5
      start_period: 60s
      - ferretdb
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "1"

    container_name: ferretdb
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 27017:27017
      - 8080:8080
      - FERRETDB_POSTGRESQL_URL=postgres://postgres:5432/ferretdb
        condition: service_healthy
      - ferretdb
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "1"

    name: ferretdb


Once you have the content above saved in docker-compose.yaml you can run the following to run the containers in a detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

Connect to FerretDB

Once the containers started, we can connect to our ferretdb server using mongosh, which is a shell utility to connect to the database). I will make use of a container to do this, where I will reference the network which we defined in our docker compose file, and set the endpoint that mongosh need to connect to:

docker run --rm -it --network=ferretdb --entrypoint=mongosh mongo:6.0 "mongodb://ferret:password@ferretdb/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN"

Once it successfully connects to ferretdb, we should see the following prompt:

Current Mongosh Log ID:	64626c5c259916d1a68b7dad
Connecting to:		mongodb://<credentials>@ferretdb/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN&directConnection=true&appName=mongosh+1.8.2
Using MongoDB:		6.0.42
Using Mongosh:		1.8.2


Run example queries on FerretDB

If you are familiar with MongoDB, you will find the following identical to MongoDB.

First we show the current databases:

ferretdb> show dbs;
public  0 B

The we create and use the database named mydb:

ferretdb> use mydb
switched to db mydb

To see which database are we currently connected to:

mydb> db

Now we can create a collection named mycol1 and mycol2:

mydb> db.createCollection("mycol1")
{ ok: 1 }
mydb> db.createCollection("mycol2")
{ ok: 1 }

We can view our collections by running the following:

mydb> show collections

To write one document into our collection named col1 with the following data:

  "name": "ruan",
  "age": 32,
  "hobbies": [

We can execute:

mydb> db.mycol1.insertOne({"name": "ruan", "age": 32, "hobbies": ["golf", "programming", "music"]})
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: { '0': ObjectId("64626cea259916d1a68b7dae") }

And we can insert another document:

mydb> db.mycol1.insertOne({"name": "michelle", "age": 28, "hobbies": ["art", "music", "reading"]})
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: { '0': ObjectId("64626cf1259916d1a68b7daf") }

We can then use countDocuments() to view the number of documents in our collection named mycol1:

ferretdb> db.mycol1.countDocuments()

If we want to find all our documents in our mycol1 collection:

mydb> db.mycol1.find()
    _id: ObjectId("64626cea259916d1a68b7dae"),
    name: 'ruan',
    age: 32,
    hobbies: [ 'golf', 'programming', 'music' ]
    _id: ObjectId("64626cf1259916d1a68b7daf"),
    name: 'michelle',
    age: 28,
    hobbies: [ 'art', 'music', 'reading' ]

If we want to only display specific fields in our response, such as name and age, we can project fields to return from our query:

mydb> db.mycol1.find({}, {"name": 1, "age": 1})
  { _id: ObjectId("64626cea259916d1a68b7dae"), name: 'ruan', age: 32 },
    _id: ObjectId("64626cf1259916d1a68b7daf"),
    name: 'michelle',
    age: 28

We can also suppress the _id field by setting the value to 0:

mydb> db.mycol1.find({}, {"_id": 0, "name": 1, "age": 1})
  { name: 'ruan', age: 32 },
  { name: 'michelle', age: 28 }

Next we can return all the fields name and age from our collection where the age field is equals to 32:

mydb> db.mycol1.find({"age": 32}, {"_id": 0, "name": 1, "age": 1})
[ { name: 'ruan', age: 32 } ]

We can also find a specific document by its id as example, and return only the field value, like name:

mydb> db.mycol1.findOne({_id: ObjectId("64626cea259916d1a68b7dae")}).name

Next we will find all documents where the age is greater than 30:

mydb> db.mycol1.find({"age": {"$gt": 30}})
    _id: ObjectId("64626cea259916d1a68b7dae"),
    name: 'ruan',
    age: 32,
    hobbies: [ 'golf', 'programming', 'music' ]

Let's explore how to insert many documents at once using insertMany(), first create a new collection:

ferretdb> db.createCollection("mycol2")
{ ok: 1 }

We can then define the docs variable, and assign a array with 2 json documents:

ferretdb> var docs = [{name: "peter", age: 34, hobbies: ["ski", "programming", "music"]}, {name: "sam", age: 39, hobbies: ["running", "camping", "music"]}]

Now we can insert our documents to ferretdb using insertMany():

ferretdb> db.mycol2.insertMany(docs)
  acknowledged: true,
  insertedIds: {
    '0': ObjectId("6464ceb1413cee26e9bf709f"),
    '1': ObjectId("6464ceb1413cee26e9bf70a0")

We can count the documents inside our collection using:

ferretdb> db.mycol2.countDocuments()

And we can search for all the documents inside the collection:

ferretdb> db.mycol2.find()
    _id: ObjectId("6464ceb1413cee26e9bf709f"),
    name: 'peter',
    age: 34,
    hobbies: [ 'ski', 'programming', 'music' ]
    _id: ObjectId("6464ceb1413cee26e9bf70a0"),
    name: 'sam',
    age: 39,
    hobbies: [ 'running', 'camping', 'music' ]

And searching for any data using the name peter:

ferretdb> db.mycol2.find({name: "peter"})
    _id: ObjectId("6464ceb1413cee26e9bf709f"),
    name: 'peter',
    age: 34,
    hobbies: [ 'ski', 'programming', 'music' ]


We will create a script so that we can generate data that we want to write into FerretDB.

Create the following script, write.js:

var txs = []
for (var x = 0; x < 1000 ; x++) {
 var transaction_types = ["credit card", "cash", "account"];
 var store_names = ["edgards", "cna", "makro", "picknpay", "checkers"];
 var random_transaction_type = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 0 + 1)) + 0;
 var random_store_name = Math.floor(Math.random() * (4 - 0 + 1)) + 0;
 var random_age = Math.floor(Math.random() * (80 - 18) + 18)
   transaction: 'tx_' + x,
   transaction_price: Math.round(Math.random()*1000),
   transaction_type: transaction_types[random_transaction_type],
   store_name: store_names[random_store_name],
   age: random_age
console.log("drop and recreate the collection")
console.log("insert documents into collection")

The script will loop a 1000 times and create documents that will include fields of transaction_types, store_names, random_transaction_type, random_store_name and random_age.

Use docker, mount the file inside the container, point the database endpoint to ferretdb and load the file that we want to execute:

docker run --rm -it --network=ferretdb -v $PWD/write.js:/src/write.js --entrypoint=mongosh mongo:6.0 "mongodb://ferret:password@ferretdb/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN" --eval 'load("/src/write.js")'

Now when we run a mongosh client:

docker run --rm -it --network=ferretdb -v $PWD/write.js:/src/write.js --entrypoint=mongosh mongo:6.0 "mongodb://ferret:password@ferretdb/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN"

And we query for the store_name: picknpay and only show the transaction_type and transaction fields:

ferretdb> db.mycollection1.find({"store_name": "picknpay"}, {_id: 0, transaction_type: 1, transaction: 1})
  { transaction_type: 'credit card', transaction: 'tx_3' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_9' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_10' },
  { transaction_type: 'credit card', transaction: 'tx_15' },
  { transaction_type: 'credit card', transaction: 'tx_19' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_21' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_28' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_31' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_37' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_39' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_40' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_51' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_52' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_58' },
  { transaction_type: 'credit card', transaction: 'tx_62' },
  { transaction_type: 'credit card', transaction: 'tx_65' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_69' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_71' },
  { transaction_type: 'cash', transaction: 'tx_72' },
  { transaction_type: 'account', transaction: 'tx_74' }

We can also use the --eval flag with the mongosh container to run ad-hoc queries such as counting documents for a collection:

docker run --rm -it --network=ferretdb \
  -v $PWD/write.js:/src/write.js:ro \
  --entrypoint=mongosh mongo:6.0 \
  "mongodb://ferret:password@ferretdb/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN" --eval 'db.mycollection1.countDocuments()'

Prometheus Metrics

FerretDB provides prometheus metrics out of the box, and outputs prometheus metrics on the :8080/debug/metrics endpoint:

curl http://localhost:8080/debug/metrics

Which will output metrics more or less like the following:

ferretdb_client_accepts_total{error="0"} 98
ferretdb_client_connected 0
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="aggregate",opcode="OP_MSG"} 5
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="atlasVersion",opcode="OP_MSG"} 27
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="buildInfo",opcode="OP_MSG"} 27
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="buildinfo",opcode="OP_MSG"} 2
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="count",opcode="OP_MSG"} 5
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="create",opcode="OP_MSG"} 7
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="drop",opcode="OP_MSG"} 3
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="dropDatabase",opcode="OP_MSG"} 4
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="find",opcode="OP_MSG"} 27
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="getCmdLineOpts",opcode="OP_MSG"} 27
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="getFreeMonitoringStatus",opcode="OP_MSG"} 20
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="getLog",opcode="OP_MSG"} 20
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="getParameter",opcode="OP_MSG"} 27
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="hello",opcode="OP_MSG"} 20
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="insert",opcode="OP_MSG"} 15
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="ismaster",opcode="OP_MSG"} 238
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="listCollections",opcode="OP_MSG"} 49
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="listDatabases",opcode="OP_MSG"} 12
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="ping",opcode="OP_MSG"} 40
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="saslStart",opcode="OP_MSG"} 70
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="setFreeMonitoring",opcode="OP_MSG"} 1
ferretdb_client_requests_total{command="unknown",opcode="OP_QUERY"} 96
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="aggregate",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 5
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="atlasVersion",opcode="OP_MSG",result="CommandNotFound"} 27
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="buildInfo",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 27
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="buildinfo",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 2
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="count",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 5
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="create",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 7
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="drop",opcode="OP_MSG",result="NamespaceNotFound"} 2
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="drop",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 1
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="dropDatabase",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 4
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="find",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 27
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="getCmdLineOpts",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 27
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="getFreeMonitoringStatus",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 20
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="getLog",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 20
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="getParameter",opcode="OP_MSG",result="Unset"} 27
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="hello",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 20
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="insert",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 15
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="ismaster",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 238
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="listCollections",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 49
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="listDatabases",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 12
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="ping",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 40
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="saslStart",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 70
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="setFreeMonitoring",opcode="OP_MSG",result="ok"} 1
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="unknown",opcode="OP_REPLY",result="ok"} 93
ferretdb_client_responses_total{argument="unknown",command="unknown",opcode="OP_REPLY",result="unhandled"} 3
ferretdb_up{branch="unknown",commit="3344cbb98bb744dd044bcf2d51fe9ab65db22f0b",debug="false",dirty="true",package="docker",telemetry="disabled",update_available="false",uuid="08174d33-05fd-45ed-adb9-d2e343e0af83",version="v1.1.0"} 1
process_cpu_seconds_total 16.98
process_max_fds 1.048576e+06
process_open_fds 13
process_resident_memory_bytes 2.5714688e+07
process_start_time_seconds 1.68425346762e+09
process_virtual_memory_bytes 7.52529408e+08
process_virtual_memory_max_bytes 1.8446744073709552e+19
promhttp_metric_handler_errors_total{cause="encoding"} 0
promhttp_metric_handler_errors_total{cause="gathering"} 0
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight 1
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="200"} 2
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="500"} 0
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total{code="503"} 0


Please see the follwoing resources for FerretDB:

Thank You

Thanks for reading, if you like my content, feel free to check out my website, and subscribe to my newsletter or follow me at @ruanbekker on Twitter.

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